Thursday, November 1, 2007

Statement of theory of Laxativity

Baby Vaiyanti,

Today, I am delivering a statement which will serve as a cutting-edge help for people. It is called theory of Laxativity, it simply states: " Amongst the daily used food stuffs, Coffee powder has the highest coefficient of inducing laxative effect. It has the highest coefficient of laxativity, the value being 1.00".

Proofs/Explantion will be provided on request.


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Chinu Fish's first blog

Hello people. My name is Chinu Fish and today's my first day at new school.

I am a very nice, blue-colored goldfish and my nature is also good, better than other fish. Blue is my favorite color and dogs are my favorite pets. Presently I have two friends called Puppy Manohar and Baby Vaijayanti. They are nice like me and I live with them....

Okay will talk in details...let me pretend to be busy for some time.

"Some people hear the noise of bubbles bursting out of a fish's mouth" -- Chinu-fish